Our Services
We are a liaison for funding concerts in under-served musical genres.
House concerts
The headquarters of the Livermore Jazz Society was chosen by founder Tom Reynolds in the Spring of 2021 for its suitability as a home concert venue (in addition to being his new residence). The home has a functional stage (a 10’x14’ repurposed formal dining room) which can accommodate performing ensembles of up to 5 musicians. The stage opens to a large listening area (23’x13’); there are french doors at stage left which opens to a covered patio for additional seating. Quality ‘house’ instruments and equipment are available. The idea is to provide a professional quality Livestream feed along with a great listening environment for in-person attendees. It is our policy to provide a ‘dignified’ and egalitarian minimum guarantee for each musician per performance. If you or your ensemble is interested in performing here — please ask for our backline list and policy statement!
Listening Room — Console
Listening Room — West Side
patio seating area
Live attendees are requested to contact the Livermore Jazz Society via email (info@livermorejazzsociety.org) in advance to request seating. If seating is available, the LJS will email an invitation with details including the address of the venue. Again, because seating is limited, advanced reservations are highly preferred for in-person attendance, at least 24 hours prior to the event.
For information about the House Concert schedule, please check the Events page of this website.
Other Events
We are currently underwriting jam sessions at HQ and external venues.
We are working on funding strategies for presenting workshops and master classes at HQ and external venues.
Supporting/Funding/Presenting concerts in more traditional venues such as concert halls is a long-term goal of the LJS.
For information about such performances, please check the Events page of this website.
The Livermore Jazz Society is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit (EIN: 87-0842715) supported entirely through 100% tax-deductible donations — all event attendees (whether live or livestream) are encouraged to donate as their conscience permits. No one will be turned away for lack of funds — but everyone is expected to donate whatever they deem appropriate. For house concerts, we provide a ‘dignified’ minimum guarantee for each musician per performance — regardless of the ’take’ — so your donations are critical to ensure that we remain solvent and able to continue this beneficial policy. Because we have no paid staff, our expenses are low, but not zero. Every donation counts — whether large or small. Your generous contributions help make the LJS house concerts possible — Thank You!
For legal reasons, in order for contributions to be tax-deductible, there can be no expectation of any specific goods or services in return for a donation. However, we have default policies regarding donations. For house concerts, the default policy is that 100% of donations received on or near the day of a concert go directly to the musicians performing in that concert. We fund all of our other operating expenses only from those donations that the donors have specified to be ‘discretionary’, ‘for general purposes’, or received at year-end.
For concerts in more traditional venues, underwriting donations would be expected in advance and would be distributed as necessary to cover both musician compensation as well as other fees such as hall rental, staff service, ticketing, etc. Donations from live attendees would of course also be accepted at performance time.
How to Donate
Donations can be made by cash, check (to Livermore Jazz Society), PayPal (using the donation button on the Donate page of this web site, the link https://paypal.me/livermorejazzsociety or through a donor’s PayPal account as a payment to info@livermorejazzsociety.org) or Venmo (through a donor’s Venmo account as a payment to info@livermorejazzsociety.org).
Donors may request to earmark the donation to cover other operating expenses or specified non-default ‘categories’ of application, or convey special instructions: if donating via the Donate page of this site, a text field called ‘Special Instructions’ will be available during the donation process; if donating via the donor’s Venmo account, an ‘Add a Note’ text field is available through the ‘Send money’ link (once the recipient’s email address has been entered); if donating via the donor’s Venmo account, a ‘Note’ text field is available in the ‘Pay & Request’ page.